Sunday, May 8, 2016

Well, here we go!!!!

First, the introductions!  I am Lin.  I live in rural Eastern Ontario with my husband, Bill and our three fur babies, Peanut, Maverick and Poppy, the first two being our crazy, lovable dogs, and Poppy is our crazy, beautiful cat.

As you may have guessed, our home is located beside a beautiful beaver pond.  Now, I personally believe that swimming in the pond would be fine.  But Bill is positive I would die a horrible, painful death if I did!  So I haven't - yet!!!!  Of course, the problem is getting to the deeper water, past the leeches.  I don't think they would like me much, but I am not really willing to try!

Being in the bush also means mosquitoes!  And there are plenty of them.  Luckily, they don't seem to like me too much, which I think is because I eat Marmite!  No one else around here does, and the mozzies love their blood, so it just makes sense to me.

I haven't really decided how much I like 'blogging', yet, so I will end here and see how I feel about it!  I will probably be back!!!!

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